Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I'm here!

But don't have any time to write. Just know that I successfully made it, everyone. I bought a beer (actually 2) last night! And the first english sentence I saw in Japan was spelled wrong, which made me chuckle. This place is nuts, by the way.

I also haven't figured out how to call the states yet, so none of you will be hearing from me verbally for a while, but when I do figure it out I'll call.


RSelover said...

Glad to hear you're safe and sound. Check in with an email at least...

Could you talk via iChat?

Greg Selover said...

Jaime, no cursing, my family looks at this.

Unknown said...


We're live with a webcam now, so...what's your Skype Name?

Hope all is great!
